Dentists recommend tooth extraction for multiple reasons. You may be suffering from a painful wisdom tooth or severely decayed tooth; tooth extraction can save your natural tooth and retain a healthy smile for years to come.

A dentist extracts the damaged tooth when it becomes a threat to your nearby teeth. Often the extracted tooth is either the third molars or wisdom teeth. While performing a tooth extraction, your dentist will numb it to help the patients feel no pain. The procedure may sound unpleasant, but it plays a crucial role in alleviating the pain and preventing further oral problems.

Doctors perform a tooth extraction to remove a tooth. It happens due to the following reasons:

Types of Tooth Extraction

The type of tooth extraction performed by your doctor may depend on whether the case is simple or severe. The severity of any tooth extraction case depends on the size, shape, location, and position of your teeth.

A simple extraction means the damaged tooth is visible above the gums and can easily be pulled out by the dentist.

Severe tooth extraction involves the removal of gum tissue, bones, or both. The surgeon numbs the patient’s mouth and removes the affected tooth piece by piece.

The wisdom tooth is the first tooth that may need a tooth extraction. If you are looking for the best wisdom tooth extraction, Creative Dental has all the answers to your oral hygiene.

How to prepare for the Tooth Extraction Procedure?

During your first consultation with the doctor, he will examine your medical history, ask about any medications you have been taking, and perform a few oral tests. Depending on the severity of your case, the doctor may ask you to follow these steps:

The Tooth Extraction Procedure

A dentist will take an X-ray of the patient’s teeth to evaluate the curvature and angle of the tooth’s root. After numbing the area, the dentist will remove the damaged/decayed tooth in pieces. Although the process is entirely painless, the patient may feel pressure against the operating tooth. In case the patient feels pain at this stage, he/she should immediately inform their dentist, and he will apply some numbing agent on the operating tooth for a painless, comfortable procedure.

After the completion of the procedure, your dental surgeon will insert a thick layer of gauze on the operated tooth to prevent overbite and absorb any blood remains.

Preventive Tips

The healing process requires following some key points, such as:

The tooth extraction procedure is a safe, effective, and affordable procedure. Children can highly get benefitted from this procedure, as it removes any chances of tooth decay and oral diseases. To learn more about dental treatments and pediatric dentistry, kindly visit the Creative Dental Clinic and get all the answers about your oral hygiene concerns.

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