Root Canal Treatment On A Front Tooth: Steps And Precautions.

Root Canal Treatment On A Front Tooth: Steps And Precautions.

Root canal treatment is done to treat the infected teeth without actually removing them. Previously, the root canal treatment was painful, but with advanced techniques and the help of technology, endodontic surgery has become much less painful, especially for the frontal teeth. People fear the treatment and think of it as a major dental issue. While the reality is quite the opposite. Having a decaying tooth can cause consistent pain which can be subsided with this treatment. Therefore, several people get root canal treatment in Pune because it is painless and safe.


Procedure for a root canal treatment


  • Firstly, an X-ray of the tooth is taken to examine the area that needs a root canal.
  • Before the surgery, the tooth and the area around it are numbed with the help of local anesthesia.
  • In the next step, the tooth is isolated by a barrier that keeps the gums and rest of the mouth from being affected by the procedure.
  • Then doctors look around the area for decayed, damaged, dead, and infected tissues if any more damaged area is to be examined and treated.
  • After that, the doctor drills through the enamel and around the tooth to get the pulp beneath the enamel.
  • Once the infected area is cleaned, the part is disinfected with special chemicals.
  • The empty root cavity is filled with polymer filler made with latex-based material.
  • Then the access hole is filled with the temporary filling so that the tooth doesn’t get infected during the healing process.
  • Once the root canal has been healed, extra enamel filling is drilled out and a permanent crown is installed over it. 
  • This treatment protects the tooth from decaying for almost 10 years. 
    Root canal treatment on front teeth is less painful than on the corners or jawline.  Pulp on the front teeth is less. That makes it easier to clean. The recovery time is shorter as the infected area is cleaned easily. You may not need the permanent crown because front teeth are not actively used for chewing. So you may just need a temporary filling while the tooth is getting healed after the root canal.

Complications to consider: 

An individual definitely experiences mild pain after treatment. You may have the pain for one week. But if you experience extreme conditions, you should immediately contact your doctor.


  1. Pain or discomfort: tender pain is normal after the treatment, but if your pain starts to get immense and puts pressure on the tooth while drinking or swallowing, you should see the doctor.
  2. Discharge or pus: if you spot any green, yellow or discolored element, don’t ignore it. It can get severe or bleed.
  3. Swollen tissue:  you may notice swelling, especially in gums or teeth that are red in color.
  4. Bad breath: if the tooth gets infected again, you may experience an unusual odor in your mouth.
  5. Uneven bite:  this can happen if temporary fillings or crown comes out.


Ignoring dental issues can lead to severe damage and may result in loss of teeth. To avoid this situation, you should treat the infected part before the infection spreads throughout the mouth.


Creative dental clinic offers one of the best root canal treatments in Pune. It is a highly recommended dental clinic headed by the best Prosthodontist, periodontists, endodontists, and specialists who will provide the best guidance until your complete recovery.  For inquiry, contact us or book an appointment today with us. 

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