Myths About Root Canal Treatment
For many of the patients suffering from dental issues and complications, the phrase ‘root canal treatment’ sends shivers down the spine. This well established and
We, at Creative Dental Clinic, provide you & your family with holistic and evidence-based dental treatment whilst ensuring the highest levels of quality, comfort, and hygiene, making your visits enjoyable.
For many of the patients suffering from dental issues and complications, the phrase ‘root canal treatment’ sends shivers down the spine. This well established and
During your childhood, it is very much likely that your parents would have taken you to a dentist for routine checkups and treatment of dental
A missing tooth out of trauma or a dental procedure always presents an additional unique problem in addition to the loss of functionality – deterioration
It is always essential to ask questions to your medical practitioner, the reasons being multifold. Firstly, you will gain confidence about the treatment you are
“Why do I get cavities when I brush twice a day?” This thought is likely to have crossed your mind every time you have to
We, at Creative Dental Clinic, provide you & your family with holistic and evidence-based dental treatment whilst ensuring the highest levels of quality, comfort, and hygiene, making your visits enjoyable.